Developing, investing in & operating sustainable real assets

Sustainable Development and a Net zero emissions future
AGP exclusively invest in sustainable real assets across three key investment themes. We evaluate our investment strategy against the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the aim to accelerate the transition to a net zero emissions future.
SDGS of key relevance

We exclusively invest in sustainable real assets
across three key investment themes


We are living on this planet as if
we had another one to go to.

Terry Swearingen, Nurse & Winner of Goldman Environmental Prize in 1997

a net zero future
Our mission
AGP builds businesses and sustainable real assets to drive a sustainable and net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions future.
AGP’s mandate is to stimulate, invest, develop, manage and operate sustainable real assets that generate positive impact for people and the environment. We do this by focusing entirely on the financing, development and operation of ‘Sustainable Real Assets’; transformative infrastructure assets that make positive contributions to satisfying the UN SDGs.
how will we achieve it?
latest news & energy insights

AMPYR Energy USA Expands U.S. Solar and Battery Storage Capacity

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AMPYR Distributed Energy and Olympus Power Commit £50m to Onsite Renewable Energy

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Launch of AMPYR Distributed Energy to Deliver Clean Energy Solutions for the UK & Europe

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Partner with us to generate a positive impact for people and the environment